
The Term Ceteris Paribus Means

Ceteris Paribus Meaning

Ceteris paribus means all external factors acting on a variable subject are causeless to remain unchanged/constant while testing its relationship with other variable subjects. Economists use it for confirmation of a theory in economics.  It measures the cause and effect in a relationship betwixt two separate economic variables using probability and trend knowledge.

ceteris paribus

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Ceteris paribus helps about economists study 1 relationship mechanism and its corresponding cause between 2 variables. As a result, experts apply it to explain many economic concepts easily. Moreover, it also helps analyze many economical situations in the existent world via exaggerated assumptions.

Table of contents
  • Ceteris Paribus Meaning
    • Explained
    • Application Of Ceteris Paribus
    • Assumptions of Ceteris Paribus
    • Example
    • Limitations of Ceteris Paribus
    • Oft Asked Questions (FAQs)
    • Recommended Articles
  • Ceteris Paribus means that simply the cause-and-consequence relationship betwixt ii variables will be deduced when other external factors remain unchanged.
  • It helps to simplify the mechanism of economics and finance and allows piece of cake explanation of economical theories.
  • Information technology is based on the assumption that other related variables remain the aforementioned during the study of the event of one economic variable on some other.
  • Its limitation is that information technology is challenging to hold all other economic variables constant to isolate the dependent variable to study economical models.


Ceteris Paribus or Caeteris Paribus is a Latin phrase that means 'other conditions being constant' or 'all else being equal'. It helps in understanding the cause-and-effect human relationship between two variables. In economic science discussions, Juan de Medina and Luis de Molina first used it in the sixteenth century. It is the most widely used and dominant concept in economics and finance for analysis of economic theory. It cannot predict anything with certainty or absoluteness. However, information technology provides a base of operations for the possible mode to determine causal relations.

Simply put, it assumes that two variables have a cause-and-outcome human relationship only when the external factors, which might affect the variables, remain the aforementioned. In economics, all the variables are constantly changing; this concept helps to understand any economical or financial mechanisms. Economists and financial analysts notice it difficult to factor in all the dynamic variables together simultaneously and so study the variables' human relationship. Studying such relationships leads to anarchy and complexity in the calculations. Moreover, this concept points out some of import factors. Example includes cost, that direct impacts the connection between 2 variables similar supply and demand.

The price factor can associate multiple variables responsible for the alter in demand for a commodity. Besides, supply always increases when the need for a product rising, provided other things like input cost, wages, and taxes remain the same. Thus, ceteris paribus comes into play, and one can say that supply falls whenever need falls.

Application Of Ceteris Paribus

Information technology simplifies economics by helping economists to written report and test economic models. It forms a solid base to make economic theories stand up the test of time. Once theorists use it to form a base, they keep other factors aside. They then report the connection between two variables without interruption. For example, other things remaining constant, lower interest rates would lead to higher economical growth.

ceteris paribus overview

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Another ceteris paribus instance includes the police of supply. Co-ordinate to economists, the law of supply demonstrates that all this remaining abiding, producers supply more goods when at higher prices. If the product supply exceeds the demand, prices will likely fall simply if other factors remain unchanged. And then, the law of demand and supply will utilise simply when other variables similar price, raw textile, labor supply, and inflation remain abiding; otherwise, it may not be applicable. For instance, other things remaining unchanged, higher diesel fuel prices would lead to less need for diesel.

Hence, it is a method of scientific modeling that includes identifying, isolating, and studying the impact of one variable on the other.

Assumptions Of Ceteris Paribus

Here are some prime ceteris paribus assumptions:

  • It is based on the supposition that all other weather condition and variables that might impact the relationship between two independent variables volition remain constant while studying their relationship. However, information technology is significant in existent life every bit the external state of affairs always keeps irresolute, affecting the study of the relationship between two contained variables.
  • If economists do not isolate the two economic variables, they might be unable to explain the relationship between them. For example, cost is a dependent variable, and demand is an independent variable whose relationship must be determined. Moreover, external factors like raw materials or labor availability may change abruptly in the real world, exponentially affecting the human relationship between price and need.

Therefore, to sympathise the human relationship between price increase and need, all the other factors must be equal or constant. Every bit a outcome, the assumption of ceteris paribus becomes significant in such situations. These assumptions help to transform an otherwise dismal scientific discipline or soft social science into a positive difficult science similar physics and chemical science.


Here is a ceteris paribus instance to understand the concept better.

When the toll of a certain mobile phone, for case, iPhone manufactured past Apple Inc., decreases, it is assumed that its demand will increase more than in the marketplace. So, if a customer goes to an Apple shop and finds that iPhones have 50% off on their base price, then one may buy more than one iPhone.

However, the above ceteris paribus supposition does not consider whether everyone can afford iPhones even at a lower price, whether everyone likes iPhones, and whether anybody has the actual demand for a new iPhone in their lives.

In the aforementioned way, economists predict that if the price of pizza increases, other variables remain constant, and buyers will need a lesser quantity of pizza. Here, if we consider some unknown factors like if the buyers similar to consume pizza and if it gives them a high utility, then they will not surrender on the consumption even if prices increase.

Thus, ceteris paribus is a simple tool to assess the relation between demand and supply, but but when other factors remain constant.

Limitations Of Ceteris Paribus

While studying the market place in reality –

  • In an economy, economists can never assume or go along 'all other factors constant.
  • They cannot control all the variables to test them.
  • They cannot identify all the significant or potential variables.

It has its limitations; all the same, it is a significant concept to study relative tendencies in the market.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How does ceteris paribus relate to demand?

Co-ordinate to the law of demand, ceteris paribus, consumers buy more than goods when the price is low. If the demand for goods and services exceeds the supply, other things remain constant; prices will rise.

Why is ceteris paribus important in economic science?

Ceteris paribus is of import in economics because everything in the real globe keeps irresolute. If it does not come into play, then at that place tin can exist 'n' several known and unknown factors that can affect the upshot of sure variables similar supply and need.

How does ceteris paribus chronicle to demand?

Ceteris paribus is related to demand as if everything related to demand varies too often. Therefore, the uncertainty in need volition be quite big, like if cancer becomes the cause of monkeypox due to eating chicken.

Why do economists utilize the ceteris paribus supposition?

Economists use the assumption of ceteris paribus because all economic theories depend on information technology. Every bit a result, if this supposition is removed, every theory will go redundant and extraneous in the real world.

This has been a guide to what is Ceteris Paribus and its significant. Hither we discuss how it works, its applications, assumptions, and example. You can larn more than from the following articles –

  • Aggregate Production Function
  • Supply Curve
  • Demand-Side Economics

The Term Ceteris Paribus Means,


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